Technical documentation about the grading infrastructure

If you are a beginner, please read the tutorial first.

This section explains how to write tests for exercises, using the modules Test_lib, Introspection and Report of the grader. format

The file is loaded after the user's code during grading. It has access to the environment of the toplevel used for grading, which contains every bindings (and state) from (after loading of) and The abstract syntax tree from the code is also reified into the environment, which allows inspecting its form for some specific tests.

A classic file is as follows:

open Test_lib
open Report

let exercise_1 = ..

let exercise_2 = ..

let exercise_3 = ..

let () =
  set_result @@
  ast_sanity_check code_ast @@ fun () ->
  [ exercise_1 ; exercise_2 ; exercise_3 ]

The values exercise_x are values of type, which is a representation of the report given by the grader. In this example, each of these values are referring to a specific question from the exercise. Their content is detailed in the next section. These reports are then given to the function ast_sanity_check, which ensures that some modules are never used (Obj, Marshall, all the modules from compiler-libs or the library that allows introspection), and also excludes some syntactic features of the language (external in particular). Its results, which is a single report, is given to set_result, which basically gives the result of the tests to the grader.

Writing tests and reports

The format of reports can be found in src/state/ A report describes the result of what should be outputted and interpreted by the grader. It can be classified into sections for lisibility, and return many kind of messages:

type report = item list

and item =
  | Section of text * report
  (** A titled block that groups subreports *)
  | Message of text * status
  (** Basic report block *)

and status =
  | Success of int (** With given points *)
  | Failure (** With missed points *)
  | Warning (** A student error without influence on the grade *)
  | Informative (** A message for the student *)
  | Important (** An important message *)

and text = inline list

and inline =
  | Text of string (** A word *)
  | Break (** Line separator *)
  | Code of string (** For expressions *)
  | Output of string (** For output *)

The most important part of the grading is the ability to test the user's code, either by simply use it and check its correction against the solution, or even introspect the abstract syntax tree to detect some patterns. Testing functions are available in src/grader/test_lib.mli: we can observe this module is actually functorized, but in the context of it is already applied as module Test_lib.

Test_lib: checking values and output

Lets take the code that checks the first question of the exercise:

let exercise_1 =
  Section ([ Text "Exercise 1: " ; Code "print_int_list" ],
             ~test: test_ignore
             ~test_stdout: (io_test_items ~split: ['\n'] ~trim:[' '] ~skip_empty: true)
             [%ty: int list -> unit] "print_int_list"

This value describes a section in the report for the first exercise. Actually, according to the type of Report, the second argument of this variant should be a report : this is the result of applying test_function_1_against_solution. This function, as its name suggests, tests a unary function (hence the _1_) against the solution. Its type is the following:

val test_function_1 :
  ?gen: int ->
  ?test: 'b tester ->
  ?test_stdout: io_tester ->
  ?test_stderr: io_tester ->
  ?before : ('a -> unit) ->
  ?after : ('a -> ('b * string * string) -> ('b * string * string) -> ->
  ('a -> 'b) Ty.ty -> string -> 'a list ->

It takes multiple optional arguments, and three non optional arguments, which are: - a witness of the type expected for the function to test - the name expected for the value, which should be bound in the environment - a list of inputs to give to the function

The optional arguments are tests on the outputs of the function, or functions to test the result of the function (which test structural equality by default).

The witness is given using a ppx that reifies types into the OCaml language, in our example: [%ty int list -> unit]. In our example, there are no inputs given to test the function: instead, we let the test engine generating a list of random inputs (10 by default, which can be changed by giving the argument ~gen).

The test functions named test_function_*_against_solution check the output of the solution for the same values, which can be used to compare with the user's code.

Writing custom generators

By default, the grader is able to generate random values of base types. However, it is possible to tweak the generation to ensure it only uses a certain set of values. This is especially useful to ensure some properties of the algorithms to test.

Custom types

Lets assume we are trying to test a function that only takes natural numbers lower than 100, and returns unit. One way to doing it is to define a custom type with its sample generator:

type natural = int

let sample_natural () = 100

(* .. *)

let report =
  test_function_1 (* .. *) [%ty: natural -> unit] "fun_natural" []

When the grader will test the function fun_natural from the user, it will look for a sampler for the type natural, using the module Introspection. By convention, the name of a sampler for a type ty is called sample_ty, which is a function taking unit and returning ty. As long the sampler as a name recognized by the grader, the generation is done automatically. For datatypes that are parameterized, as list, they must be fully applied:

type alt_list = int list

let sample_alt_list () =
  let pos = ref (sample_bool ()) in
  sample_list (fun () ->
    pos := not !pos
    if !pos then 10 else 10 - 10)

In this example, we generate a list where values alternate between positive and negative integers.

Specify samplers

Alas, sampler names for custom types are not checked statically. As such, one way to avoid this problem is by using the functions test_function_*_against_*, that takes an optional argument ?sampler:('a sampler), i.e. the function used to compute the arguments to test the function.

The previous examples can be simply rewritten as

let sample_natural () = 100

(* .. *)

let report_1 =
  test_function_1_against (* .. *)
    [%ty: natural -> unit] "fun_natural" []

(* .. *)

let sampler_2 () =
  let pos = ref (sample_bool ()) in
  sample_list (fun () ->
    pos := not !pos
    if !pos then 10 else 10 - 10)

let report_2 = 
  test_function_1_against (* .. *)
    [%ty: int list -> unit] "fun_natural" []

Test_lib: checking the AST

Since the user's code is reified, the parsed abstract syntax tree is available in the testing environment, as a variable named code_ast, with type Parsetree.structure. As such, it can be checked using the iterators in the module Ast_mapper from compiler-libs. However, Test_lib provides some functions to check the Parsetree.

  type 'a ast_checker =
    ?on_expression: (Parsetree.expression -> ->
    ?on_pattern: (Parsetree.pattern -> ->
    ?on_structure_item: (Parsetree.structure_item -> ->
    ?on_external: (Parsetree.value_description -> ->
    ?on_include: (Parsetree.include_declaration -> ->
    ?on_open: (Parsetree.open_description -> ->
    ?on_module_occurence: (string -> ->
    ?on_variable_occurence: (string -> ->
    ?on_function_call: ((Parsetree.expression * (string * Parsetree.expression) list) -> ->
    'a ->

  val ast_check_expr : Parsetree.expression ast_checker
  val ast_check_structure : Parsetree.structure ast_checker

  val ast_location_stripper : Ast_mapper.mapper

  val forbid_expr : string -> Parsetree.expression list -> (Parsetree.expression ->
  val restrict_expr : string -> Parsetree.expression list -> (Parsetree.expression ->
  val require_expr : string -> Parsetree.expression -> (Parsetree.expression ->

  val (@@@) : ('a -> -> ('a -> -> ('a ->

  val ast_sanity_check : ?modules: string list -> Parsetree.structure -> (unit -> ->

  val find_binding : Parsetree.structure -> string -> (Parsetree.expression -> ->

These functions scan the AST, looking for specific expressions which can be forbidden or required. The two functions ast_check_expr and ast_check_structure takes functions for each syntactic category and allows pattern-matching on some specific patterns into the code. The function find_binding look for a toplevel value and apply a given function on its syntax tree.